Thursday, May 31, 2012

1, 2, 3... JUMP!

"I quit my '9-5 career' four years ago today...walked away from a life of comfort into a life of passion. Only regret? Not jumping sooner." -Veronica Benton, White Collar Sideshow

My good friend, Roni tweeted this earlier today, and it is exactly what I needed to hear. As I transition from that "9-5 career" into that "life of passion", I've had plenty of opportunites to change my mind, stay where it's "comfortable", and let nerves get the better of me. I'm the type of person who naturally enjoys change, but this time, it's been weird to say the least. The phrase, "hurry up and wait" fits perfectly on this scenario. I've had to wait, wait, wait... and then wait some more for the day to finally come where I can put in my notice, and then transition out of a world of paperwork & stress into a world of creativity and peace. Even though there are lots of changes to go through, and steps to take, and things to learn, this new direction is where the peace is ultimately, and that is the direction I always want to choose. I know God placed creative things in me, and He has called me to put my hand to things, so I know that it will prosper... now's the time for me to step out, and not look back.


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